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Month: July 2022

Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce In Maryland

In this blog, we will cover the most frequently asked questions in regards to divorce in Maryland. This will cover everything from the types of divorce, how to file a divorce, and more. What types of divorce are there? Limited and absolute divorces can be requested in the state of Maryland. A limited divorce does not legally terminate a marriage.…

Alimony in Maryland Explained: The Criteria Considered in the Decision

How Is Alimony in Maryland Determined? Alimony or spousal support is financial compensation that is granted to one person by their former spouse after a divorce. A judge will usually declare that a certain amount be paid to that party for a specified time period, although spousal support can be indefinite in some cases. The primary criteria that a judge…

What is Military Family Law? An Overview of Military Family Law in Maryland

A military family has one or more parents or adults who serve in the United States Armed Forces. Some family members may be related to one another by marriage, blood or adoption. Military families can also include surviving spouses of retired military members or people who were killed in active duty. Child Support. An active military member may be required…

The Types of Internet-based Sex Crimes in Maryland

What are Sex Crimes? Sex crimes are criminal acts that have a sexual nature. Sexual assault may be involved in such incidents. Common examples of sex crimes are statutory rape, indecent exposure and rape. These activities are considered crimes because they are not mutually consensual. One party may use threats, violence or force to coerce their victim into participating in…

Marital Settlement Agreements in Maryland: What are They? And How Can They Benefit You?

What is a Marital Settlement Agreement? A marital settlement agreement is a legally binding contract. It specifies how money, property and other assets will be divided once a divorce has been granted. All essential items should be included in the agreement. Marital settlement agreements are not the same as a separation or divorce. These documents won’t end a relationship or…

DUI vs. DWI: Everything You Need to Know About Impaired Driving in Maryland

What is Impaired Driving? Impaired driving is operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicants. They can hamper a person’s decision-making abilities when they’re on the road. People who are caught in the state of Maryland may face severe penalties. They could be charged with a DWI or DUI. What is a DWI? Driving…